Elevate your coffee quality to the next level

Discover Coffee Perfection

Albert Kim transforms beans to brilliance. Discover coffee perfection.

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About Albert Kim

Albert Kim is a certified Q Arabica Grader and Q Processing Professional with full spectrum experience in coffee production. He has worked with coffee around the world, from remote mountainous coffee farms to prestigious coffee labs. Albert can help produce and evaluate your coffee at every step of the coffee chain, from seed to cup.

More About ALKIM
Expert Coffee Consulting

Coffee Production Consulting Services

Coffee production

Elevate your coffee

Crop faceless gardener picking ripe coffee berries growing on tree
Post Harvest Processing

Build your brand with market trends

From above of crop unrecognizable horticulturist washing pile of green and brown coffee fruits with pure aqua flow
Quality evaluation

Unlock flavor secrets through professional evaluation

Expert Coffee Consulting

Coffee Evaluation


Your green coffee quality matters, and that’s why our Green Coffee Evaluation and Scoring service is critical to your business. Your coffee will be given an SCA cupping score and full evaluation, providing an in-depth analysis that can help you make informed decisions regarding your coffee roasting.

Coffee Beans on White Plastic Container
Green grading

Are you looking to perfect your coffee roasting technique? Look no further than our Roasted Coffee Evaluation Service. Albert will evaluate your roasted coffee and provide you with cupping notes, cupping score, and roast profile critique with recommendations. The goal is to help you achieve the perfect roast every time

Trusted Coffee Consultant


Expertise in coffee analysis and evaluation

Request Evaluation
Full Spectrum Brand Development

Specialty Coffee Strategic Development

Person Holding Brown Beans in White Ceramic Bowl
Coffee production

Elevate your coffee

Man in Blue Long Sleeve Shirt Holding Black Round Device
brand development

Build your brand with market trends

Quality evaluation

Unlock flavor secrets through professional evaluation

Consulting Services

Contact Albert Kim for expert consulting services in the coffee industry.




Albert Kim is your guide in the vibrant world of coffee

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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Albert’s expertise and guidance have been invaluable in improving our coffee quality.
Sarah L.
Customer Title